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Saludables caramelos de miel con jengibre.
30 Ginger Candies
Ginger candies are delicious and benefit us to become healthier.
If we want it for "traveler's dizziness" and "nausea", it is recommended to take a candy as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Honey and Ginger for digestive problems and respiratory diseases:
→ This natural combination of ginger root and honey, has been used since ancient times for the treatment of diseases such as respiratory infections, flu, indigestion, nausea and dizziness, as a natural remedy that offers a sweet and spicy taste, as pleasant as effective .

♥ Ginger is very rich in calcium, iron, vitamin C and carotene, which is therefore very suitable for the treatment of lung diseases such as colds or coughs. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, ginger has been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory diseases successfully, reaching our days with the same effectiveness.
♥ The mixture of honey and ginger acts as a powerful natural expectorant, which provides great relief to a person suffering from cough, sore throat or runny nose.
♥ When overeating or suffering from abdominal cramps, ginger and honey immediately relieve digestive discomfort, in addition to helping the body digest food and increase circulation, relaxing the muscles and blood vessels of the affected area.
The candies made from ginger and honey, are allies of travelers, since they can restore balance when the sensation of dizziness caused by the trip makes its appearance, according to the University of Maryland, which considers this combination as a natural way to reduce the symptoms of movement sickness and without the side effects that conventional prescription medications produce.
● Something phenomenal, is that these ginger candies can be used by pregnant women. They can be used to reduce the vertigo, dizziness or nausea that usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.
♥ Many people, especially in India, always keep both ginger and honey at home and prepare the mixture every time someone gets sick from the cold or cough.
A product made by a family company with years of experience .
Made by direct fire, so it helps to improve that sweet flavor without becoming cloying

Información nutricional
Valores medios por 100 gramos
 SAL 0g 
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