Pollen is not a drug but a food. People who are allergic to pollen did not have to worry because the pollen collected and processed by the bees
did not cause any reaction. . Bee pollen is the most complete food in nature. It is the only food that contains the 22 essential amino acids, 100gr of pollen proteins that contain the
same 1/2 kg. of meat!. The word “pollen” from the Greek: “pale” , which in turn appointed the flours and pollen. Pollen, a warren of tiny grains, is a powder produced by the male organs of plants, in charge of
fertilizing female organs.
The bees collect pollen from flowers with their feet and moistened with nectar (salivary secretions, bring even
more wealth-) shaping of small ball that carried to the hive to feed the bees. Through these travels from flower
to flower contribute selflessly to the pollination of many species. The man gets cajoncilllos with placing a
grid at the entrance to the hive.
Then these grains are dried by the beekeeper (a process essential to avoid rapid fermentation)
Pollen grains change shape, color and flavor with the plant species concerned, so we have pollen from light yellow to black through mauve, green and all shades of brown
The beekeeper must remove their cargo to the bees before they enter your home. This is placed at the inlet or
spout one cazapolen , apparatus consists of a grid that covers the entrance and a bottom drawer
where pollen falls. The grid has holes the size necessary to pass the bee only, leaving its cargo of pollen fall
to the bottom drawer.
To collect a load of pollen a bee visiting flowers of 84 pear trees and 100 flowers of dandelions.
To make a good load of pollen, a bee may spend 6 to 10 minutes or as long as 187 minutes. The number of trips per
day can be 6 to 8 or over 47.
Pollen Nutritional information:
Once collected the daily pollen, you should dry, for which it is introduced into a dryer,
which consists of a ventilated chamber inside which there are shelves where they spread pollen balls. Heat for
3 or 4 has temperature never exceeding 48 C. After this process pollen until it loses moisture by 5.6%, and with
this moisture is stabilized, maintaining all its nutritional properties. When you exit the dryer has to be
purified, ie they must remove all impurities, legs, antennae and so on. Producers amateur hand remove the impurities.
Professionals use blowers equipped with hopper vents, blowers and appropriate screens. It comes after packing
in jars flush with the edge of the container so that air can be minimal. Packaged in this way the preservation
of the nutritional properties of pollen is insured for a maximum period of one year at normal temperature. When the bee is already loaded, returning to the hive. There the bee pollen carrier puts his head in
several cells as if searching for a place to download the pollen. The bee grabs a cell edge with his front legs and
arches his abdomen to the back (tail) rests on the opposite side of the cell. His hind legs are tucked inside the
cell and suspended within it. The middle legs are lifted and the basitarsus is brought into contact with the upper
end of tibia of hind legs. The middle leg is now pushed the mass of pollen and Corbicula surface for the pollen
mass is levered out to fall within the cell.
The hind legs are running now grooming to remove debris or fragments of pollen. After getting rid itself of the
two grains, the bee usually leaves the cell. At the time another bee, usually a house or a young bee, comes to the
cell and examine its contents. Finding free grains, began working at the base of the cell with an active head
movement and with the jaws closed. When the beans reach the base of the cell, where pollen is stored, these are
broken and incorporated into the dough, and the whole is polished with the jaws and tongue.
During this process often bee moistens the grains with the language. The resulting mass acquires moisture and appear
more opaque hue. Have reported evidence that the nectar and honey are added to the mass of stored pollen, this
pollen stored presents changes in their physical and chemical properties, new qualities have given the character
of “bee bread” , but that should be recognized more as pollen predigested. Bee Pollen is rich in vitamins (especially vitamins B12 and E), has 22 amino acids, 27 minerals
(including calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron), trace elements and over 5000 enzymes and coenzymes
Amino acids are essential for the body, the liver only with them can make proteins and then generate
tissues, glandular secretions or produce compounds needed for the functioning of the whole body,
such as hormones, enzymes, organic defenses, anticoagulants, etc.
Pollen is used or recommended for rickets, growth retardation, abnormal or premature aging, anorexia
(physical or psychological reasons), astemia neurotic, physical exhaustion, convalescence, constipation, chronic
diarrhea, alcoholism, arteriosclerosis, depression, dementia disturbance , arthritis, rheumatism, skin fragility,
among others.
It is a high quality dietary supplement, which allows to fill gaps in the modern diet, counteract the
effects of environmental pollution and reduce wear resulting psychophysical stress. It is recommended for people of
more varied activity:
intellectuals, drivers, night workers, and so on. Asthenic individuals and seniors get big benefit of pollen,
quickly regaining physical energy, mental and sexual, increasing the force, resistance to stress and overall wellness.
The following results are seen after ingestion of pollen: improving the working capacity and willingness
of training, delaying the onset of physical fatigue (athletes) and psychic, increase muscle mass
without altering the adipose tissue, and increases the potential cellular oxireductor and cardiovascular response.
In the absence of pollen appetite increases appetite.
Protein content by pollen is the ideal dietary supplement for
vegetarians. .
The pollen because of its high percentage of carbohydrates make it
an ideal food supplement during periods of low energy
Contains 20% protein (essential for the proper functioning of the
body) and a large number of minerals and trace elements that help cell function and skeletal muscle
His contribution contribution vitamin A makes it an ally in stages
of growth and vitamin B balances the nervous system
We also find vitamins (A, D, E, C and all Group B) minerals and trace
elements, enzymes and antibiotic substances that increase the therapeutic power
Only 30% of ingested dry pollen grains, manages to be absorbed in our
intestinal transit, the rest being evacuated as plant fiber. This is because the exine, cellulosic coating that
surrounds each microscopic pollen grain.
It can be taken as and when we feel like it (only in salad, with honey, yogurt ,...) The only limitations
is not to take with hot liquids since heat denatures its proteins
Some quietly chewing up pollen completely undone in the mouth, there are those who help you swallow a
sip of water. But if none of these forms become simple the task of taking a spoonful of pollen, can be dissolved
in orange juice or milk and add a little honey is an excellent way to get it.
We can grind pollen (worth a coffee grinder) and mix it with honey (two parts honey by pollen)
This mix is perfectly preserved in a jar is closed and very good with yogurt, cottage cheese
Bee Bread is a little known today, but when pressed honey combs collected instead of centrifugation,
chew combs with pollen in them was a custom in the day when the combs were castrated
These panels contained in some of their cells prepared pollen by bees and rammed his head, called
bee bread
The “bee bread” has a better digestibility to contain small amounts of honey and, above
all, because they are open most of the pollen grains. It also contains more vitamin K, so it is best anti-hemorrhagic
Properties of “bee bread” :
Human consumption of bee bread raises the immunological properties, improves the adaptability of the
body, helps reduce fatigue plays an important role in dietetic nutrition. The bee bread used in the treatment
of colitis, Chronic Constipation, diarrhea, hepatitis, anemia and nervous diseases
The uses that give the bread of bees as therapeutic product provide wonderful results after the
only a few days. It has all indications of pollen: anemia, circulatory disorders, brain and head injuries,
stroke, gastritis, hepatitis, gastro-duodenal ulcer, allergy, flu, loss of libido and male infertility and alcoholism.
This product can be absorbed through the lining of the mouth, like a bonbon. The most convenient would keep
him in the mouth without swallowing, and not to drink during the next hour to not dilute. The recommended dose
is 2 g / day for an adult and 0.5 g / day for children (Aiterapia, 2001). .
This is the core in processing. Is to remove excess moisture. This moisture will not allow the growth
of bacteria and fungi, and possible delay in the development of mites and insects. As the moisture the most
influential factor in the preservation of pollen, is fast drying and effectiveness of which depends on many
ocacsiones that no substantial loss of biological activity. There are 2 methods for drying pollen, one natural
drying and another artificial. Natural: involves the exposure of pollen to the combined action of wind and sun
on trays of various dimensions with fine-mesh bottom placed at some point, either individually or on shelves.
The layer of product should not be greater than one centimeter.
Prior to packaging, the pollen must have a temperature less than or equal to the outside.
The stored product while still retains an amount of heat and retains it during the storage period has proved difficult
because moisture moves from one place to another for purposes of temperature differences, resulting in condensation
on the surface of pollen. So at the end of the drying process of pollen must be cooled, ventilated, in their own
trays, without extracting the dryer as humidity would capture. It is helpful that the premises must be clean and
apart from the demands of infrastructure and facilities is important to handle staff is role.
Without pollen seed that would not become plant or tree that bears fruit.
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